Letter from the UJ Vice-Rector for Scientific Research – Prof. Dr. Piotr Kuśtrowski on the rules of submission by doctoral students of doctoral schools of statements authorizing the UJ to show scientific publications for the purposes on the evaluation of the quality of scientific activity

Please see letter from UJ Vice-Rector for Scientific Research – text below
For more information:

  • Ms Beata Pawełczyk (phone No. 12-663-35-92, pawelczyk@uj.edu.pl) – regarding RUJ or SCIENCE databases,
  • JU MC Bibliography (phone No. 12-312-16-57, bibliografia@cm-uj.krakow.pl) – regarding registering publications in the JU MC Medical Library,
  • Ms Alicja Król (phone No. 12-663-30-38, krol@uj.edu.pl) – regarding the declarations or evaluation rules



Doctorate for the future