Submitting research topics 2024/2025

We invite you to submit research topics for the 2024/2025 academic year.

1. A research topic may be submitted by a person who meets the requirements for the role of the supervisor and who:

a) is employed at the Jagiellonian University Medical College, holds a professor’s or post-doctoral habilitation degree, and has submitted a declaration of affiliation of at least 75% to the discipline in which the research topic is being proposed, or

b) is employed at a foreign university or academic institution, if the respective research discipline board considers that the person has a significant record of achievements in the academic field to which the research topic relates, or

c) is employed in Poland in a university or other entity listed in Article 7(1) of the Act, holds the professor’s or post-doctoral habilitation degree, has submitted a declaration of affiliation of at least 25% to the discipline in which the research topic is being submitted, and has presented the consent of a person meeting the conditions specified in item 1 to undertake the post of a supervisor, after obtaining a positive opinion of the School Board.

2. The persons mentioned in section 1 may submit only one research topic a given discipline, in a given academic year.

Order No.4/2024 of the Director of the Doctoral School of Medical and Health Sciences of 02 April 2024

Rules for submitting research topic for the admission to the interdyscyplinary education programme in the Doctoral School of Medical and Health Sciences for the academic year 2024/2025.

Statement of the person submitting the research topic – I declare that the research topic entitled 

Statement of the person submitting the research topic

Research topic submission form to the interdyscyplinary education programme in Englisch 




Doctorate for the future