How to apply for an English-language PhD programme – step by step recruitment

Admission schedule 2024/2025


List of academic achievements

List of research articles in English 2024 25

Documents to be submitted to the Doctoral School 2024 2025

The 1st stage recruitment (the committee assesses the following documents submitted by the candidate(s)

  1. the prospective supervisors submit research topics for the doctoral projects in the disciplines of medical sciences, health sciences and pharmaceutical sciences (until 27/05/2024)
  2. the submitted and approved research topics are announced on the website of the doctoral school – follow the website of the doctoral school (  until 28/06/2024

III. select  of announced of research topic list – this will be your potential dissertation project. Contact with a potential supervisor is recommended before the choice of the research topic to apply

Research topic 2024

  1. submit the form achievements questionnaire 2024
  • complete sections I and II and send for verification to the Medical Library – confirmation of publication (  by 28 July 2024
  • then complete the academic achievements questionnaire in sections III, IV, V
  1. sign and print the completed questionnaire, enter the questionnaire into the IRK (Online Application System)
  2. register in IRK system ( between 5 August 2024  and 12 August 2024
  •  complete the required information,
  • upload the photo for the future ID card,
  • if you haven’t done so already, select a research topic from the list (contact with a potential supervisor is recommended before the choice of the research topic to apply)  

The 1st stage recruitment ranking list will be published on 2 September 2024.

Documents to be submited – Admission 2024 2025

The 2nd stage recruitment  (interview)

VII. the interviews will take place between 3-6 September 2024. You will be informed by IRK system about the interview date.

The interview will consist of two parts:

  • candidate’s research interests and the academic achievements so far (evaluation of the candidate’s multimedia presentation, 5 minutes maximum),
  • professional competency assessment: interview conducted in English on one of the five pre-selected by the recruitment commission English language articles chosen by a candidate, in the discipline of a given doctoral programme. The articles will be posted on the school’s website at least one month before the start of the recruitment.

VIII.   if you have passed through both recruitment stages, you will receive information from IRK system about the necessity to sign up in JU Doctoral School of Medical and Health Sciences between 10 September 2024 and 13 September 2024


Doctorate for the future